Archive of Phil Upchurch Publications
All material on this website is copyrighted by Robert Phillip Upchurch. This material may be used, but not for profit. All rights reserved.
Any inquiries should be addressed to Jay Buck @ [email protected].
Any inquiries should be addressed to Jay Buck @ [email protected].
Directions for downloading files
Some of these searchable files are quite large and may take several minutes to load and search on this website. Click on the title to download. Please wait until each file has completely loaded before you begin your search. To speed up your searching time, RIGHT CLICK on the title and select “Save Target As”, “Save Link As”, or “Save As” to download to your computer or device. PLEASE NOTE: The exact wording to “Save As” will vary slightly depending on your computer; save your files as you normally would and rename the files as you desire. Once you save these files from this website, your searching time will be much faster. To open and view the PDF files below, you may also need to download a FREE version of Adobe Acrobat Reader if not installed on your computer. The link to download the FREE software is at |
Upchurch bulletin (1980 - 2016)This file contains every edition of the UPCHURCH BULLETIN. The total page count in this file is 2451 pages. The text is completely searchable. Press the Ctrl + F keys to begin your search. The information in this file is a tremendous resource for anyone interested in Upchurch genealogy.
Place your cursor on the square green Upchurch "U" icon to the left and LEFT CLICK to view or RIGHT CLICK TO SAVE a searchable hardcopy of this file to your computer hard drive, flash drive, or CD. UB: Register of American AncestorsThis file contains the XID portion of all UPCHURCH BULLETINs published through the end of 2016. The total page count in this file is 2091 pages. When searching this Registry file, names are recorded LAST NAME FIRST so you must search that way. For Upchurch entries, note that they are listed using only "U" rather than the full word "Upchurch." The information in these files are the starting place to find any Upchurch family member previously identified by Phil Upchurch and assigned an XID.
Digital Narrative of ENGLANDIAThis file contains all ENGLANDIAs published so far. The total page count for this file is 356 pages. The text is completely searchable. Press the Ctrl + F keys to begin your search. If you wish to place all the downloaded files into one folder, Shift + Ctrl + F will search all simultaneously. The information in this file is devoted to our Upchurch roots in England.